Tuesday, July 22, 2008


As a student in this institution,we have many different problems to encounter and to be solve. Problrems that can help very well in our study. Problems that can help to be a strong person and to help in achieving our goals in life.Problems that sometimes can make us gave up if we want to gave up.

As a senior student in this institution,it is very hard to me to face the hardships and problems that always exist.During of my first month of being a senior, I encounter many problems and hardships earlier that makes me gave up sometimes.I know that if I well gave up, all the strive of my parents well lose like a bubble.So, I try my best to make sure that I can solve this hardships and problems that I encounter.In this hardships, I can experience not to sleep earlier.I can learn how to manage my time very well.I have many learnings I get in this challenge.

As a 4th year student,it is not easy to face the obstacles and problems that are about to come in my journey.I should be strong in accomplishing my tasks as a student. I have to sacrifice my own happiness in my life to make sure I can graudate in this coming year.And most for all, I well focus my self in studying so that when the time comes, I can march together with my parents.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


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Friday, July 11, 2008

The Wealth of information available in the WWW is worthless unless you know how to select,search,and use this information for the good.

We live in materialistiac age.Gadgets,and technologies with their glitter and glamourous entice. We are so grateful for the technologies nowadays that makes available.With today's amazing technology,we are able to tap into incredible sources of information.Yet BILL GATES, the founder of microsoft,claims that we are only on the beginning of a new and important event or period of far greater wonders.With this,there are no any limits to the knowlegde we can acquire if we will use this information for the good.But,as we use it all day, we cannot think anymore that someone are needing this information and yet we are wasting this information.Hence,we should be now practical how to use this because we are now living in a world that is full of materials and technologies.

The World Wide Web or simply the Web is a system of enternet servers that provides for access all the protocals and offers all other pages.With this information,we can possess the ability to find and use this available information.There are no such person or group controls this but we can publish information on the WWW. It contains a lot of information to publish and you can also select,search and use it anytime you want.In selecting,searching and using this,it is helpful to us if we know the differeny ways to do it,and it is better if we well be calling a help to those people that are knowledgeable to use it.Therefore,if you know how and where to find useful information you will be transformed into "information detectives".

As what I have written, we live in a materialistic age but if we know how to use it very well and has love for it,it can be one of our friend.It can be the source of our complaint and in terms of having problems,we can use it anytime,anywhere.And as what the book tell in titled "THE ROAD AHEAD" by BILL GATES again,"When tomorrows powerful information machines are connected anywhere,you'll be able to stay in touch with anyone,anywhere,who wants to stay in touch with you to browse through any of thousand of libraries day or night". So,there are no any limits in using this information.But,if you just open it and squander you time merely acquaring some facts,your just wasting your time and also your money. Therefore,should use our mind if our doings are good or not.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Adversity test us.It's one thing to study the game sketched out on the blackboard in the locker room,it's quit another to take the field whre adversity tackles us and bloodies our noses.Adversity test wether we will turn tail and run or stand up to life's challenges as people of faith.