Friday, October 10, 2008

My verry own experience....

As a graduating student, I have many things to be done to be able to graduate. These things that to be done are those schoolwork that our teacher gave. One of this is catechism or teaching religion in the public school. We are teaching to them to be able to understand the religion, not also for us but for them to understand and to learn what the purpose of it. It is also my willingness to teach them. So, we, the fourth year student of St. Mary’s Academy have many unique experiences especially me.

It is almost 3 months I teach with my group. At first, I am nervous and yet excited becuase I dont know what were to happen. And as we step in our assigned room, the children were talking and when they saw us, they stopped in their doing and they stared at us. We introduced ourselves to them and vice versa. They are so innocent that make some questions very simple and very easy to answer. We are so grateful and very happy that they accept us with open heart. It is also flattering that our students was able to welcome us with no regrets. All the nervous and hardships were all worth it. Thanks to our teachers that thought us how to treat our students well and let them know who Jesus is.And as a student,it gives me more strength and courage to face the hardships and problems with no hesitation to attain my biggest dream in my life.

It is my first time in my life to be a teacher especially in religion. I know that teaching need a high patience and I know also that it is very hard to do. We need to cooperate to the children to be able to control there emotions. But, sometimes teaching can makes us lose hope and lose in control in our self. It can make us weak and sometimes lazy. But if you love your doing and you’re happy of what you are doing, you cannot fell these feelings that make you gave up. Hence, as a graduating student, my unique experience and all my schoolwork has a big role to me, because without this beautiful experience I cannot learn many things that is very helpful to me and also I cannot be able to graduate in this coming March.